Bob Perkins | Why Sales is Definitely NOT a Numbers Game - OneIMS
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Free Online Workshop: How to Crush Your Competition in Sales / August, 6 2024Save Your Seat
Bob Perkins | Why Sales is Definitely NOT a Numbers Game

Shut your mouth, ask questions, keep your product in the bag, and learn as much as you can. You wouldn’t expect to hear such advice as a salesperson, would you? Today’s guest is convinced that good salespeople should not pitch or show the product until they fully know that it could help. And man, he is so right!

Meet Bob Perkins, founder and chairman of AA-ISP (American Association of Inside Sales Professionals), a nationally-recognized Inside Sales innovator, a golfer, a father, a husband, and an incredibly wise businessman. Bob started with a mission – to prove that inside sales are just as effective as face-to-face sales. Suffice it to say he was more than successful in making that happen.

Watch this episode to see why sales is NOT a numbers game.

How have inside sales changed from a buyer’s perspective due to technology?
What are the fundamental characteristics of really good salespeople and sales leaders?
How can the company culture influence the performance of each team member?
Why the top players don’t necessarily make good leaders?


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►Visit AA-ISP at


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Free Online Workshop: How to Crush Your Competition in Sales / August, 6 2024 Save Your Seat