Aaron Ross | Have Your Salespeople Do Their Job, No More, No Less - OneIMS
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Free Online Workshop: How to Crush Your Competition in Sales / August, 6 2024Save Your Seat
Aaron Ross | Have Your Salespeople Do Their Job, No More, No Less

I won’t exaggerate by saying that there’s hardly any person who hasn’t heard about Predictable Revenue. Personally, I read the book a couple of times and I still go back to it once in a while, which makes me twice as excited to present today’s guest for Coffee with Closers.

We are having a conversation with Mr. Aaron Ross, co-CEO PredictableRevenue.com, sales guru, keynote speaker, best-selling author of “Predictable Revenue” and “From Impossible To Inevitable”, a family man, and a father of 9.

Aaron went a long way from sales leader at Salesforce (where he hit unbelievable figures) to becoming an entrepreneur. And he’s definitely someone you’d love to invite to a dream dinner party. So what are you about to hear on today’s episode? Here’s a little sneak peek.

When you’re a coach, there’s no way you’d have your whole team learn how to attack and defend. That skill set would be nice to have, but you would never win. To tell salespeople that they should do all the functions so they are well-rounded is just not going to work. That’s why everyone should have their respective roles and focus on doing these well.

  • What to do if you can’t have different professionals to tackle sales?
  • When does it make more sense for companies to tap into inbound marketing?
  • Should the salespeople be experts in the subject matter?
  • What is the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of salespeople’s growth?
  • Why you shouldn’t be stopped by the fear of rejection?

Enjoy the episode!

►Find Aaron Ross on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronross/
►Check out “Predictable Revenue” at https://predictablerevenue.com/
►Check out “From Impossible To Inevitable” at www.fromimpossible.com

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Free Online Workshop: How to Crush Your Competition in Sales / August, 6 2024 Save Your Seat